Duramax Conversion Motor Mounts
Quality Motor Mounts To Help Get Your Project Started

Aside from having the information you need to complete a Duramax conversion, having a ready-made and quality set of conversion mounts will go a long way to help get your project underway. GM changed the motor mount configuration beginning with the 1999-2007 body style trucks - producing an asymmetrical positioning on the engine, meaning one mount is further ahead of the other side. Not only are the Duramax factory motor mounts positioned asymmetrically on the engine, but they are also very different when compared to earlier 1980s/90s GM full-size trucks and SUVs.

Duramax Conversion Motor Mounts 2017 - Copyright TheDieselPage.com

The professionally produced generation II mounts shown here solve that problem, making it possible to install a new Duramax 6600 diesel engine in an early 1980s to late 1990s GM full-size.

Duramax Conversion Motor Mounts 2017 - Copyright TheDieselPage.com

Our motor mount design positions the engine, in a 1990s body style truck or SUV, so the face of the fan-clutch is approximately 2-1/2" away from the rear-facing surface of the radiator - nearly the same spacing as that found in a factory Duramax equipped truck.

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This photo shows the fan being hand-held in the center of the fan shroud and its relationship to the fan pulley on the engine. The aluminum crankcase bolted onto the bottom the Duramax's cylinder block wouldn't allow the engine to be positioned any lower without interfering with the steering components and front differential. The engine is about an inch higher that ideal, but this is the best compromise in engine positioning. The 21" Duramax factory fan will need to be trimmed to 19" overall diameter to fit properly in the fan shroud produced for a 1990s 6.5L diesel. The Duramax Diesel Conversion Guide (see link below) discusses ways to lower the engine, for those so inclined.

The factory bottom half of each 6.5L motor mount is used with the R/L upper half conversion mounts shown above. The original factory rubber mounts usually deteriorate over time, so I recommend replacing your original factory rubber mounts with a new set of 6.5L diesel motor mounts (whether your vehicle was originally a gas or a diesel). The new factory 6.5L rubber mounts I installed at the time have held up perfectly well during these intervening years, even when running a lot more than stock power.

Visit the following links to see these motor mounts in a completed Duramax Diesel Conversion:

1990s Duramax Diesel Conversion

1987 Chevy C30 Duramax Diesel Conversion

See our Duramax Diesel Conversion Guide.

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