Thank you very much for putting together an awesome guide. It is funny how similar many Duramax owners' stories actually are. As an original owner of a 2003 LB7, it was the daily driver for much of ~12-15 years until small repairs crept up and the arrival of several additions to the family along the way pulled attention and priorities away from upkeep. I eventually had to tackle the water pump replacement about 7 years ago, and just had the slave cylinder on the ZF fail in the bellhousing right before Thanksgiving last year. (Thank goodness it blew right as I was starting to pull out of the driveway). Spent the better part of a 3-day weekend putting in a new clutch and flywheel, which led to the typical repair-creep with trucks this age. The more you crawl underneath, the more I found that needed attention. The plastic clutch pedal assembly actually snapped in half, U-joints were factory and were in need of replacement, fuel lines corroded at the cooler.
So fast-forward after a few months of several odds and ends to get it running right. I have had the slight smoke in exhaust for a year or two now, and verified that 2 injectors (4 and 8) are out of spec on balance rates. The idea of opening the valve covers is something that just terrifies me, so your guide is giving me the knowledge and confidence that it is something I can do. Still working towards getting to that rather large investment of an injector set, but I want to do it right and I want to go with the SAC style injectors, so making sure I can get to the complete kits with all replacement lines and hardware. As noted before, something always goes wrong during the work with a truck this age.
Again, thanks for such a great guide.
Take Care,1/29/2019 - I just want to say thanks for caring about the sometimes forgotten Chevy 6.5 turbo diesel I can't tell you how many people dog my 2000 Chevy K3500 for being "underpowered", "slow" or a "paper weight". People don't realize how reliable these engines can be and the potential they have. Plus, they have that distinct sound to them when they idle. I love it! I just purchased all 3 of your 6.5L Turbo Diesel volumes and I was astounded by how much information they contained.
I just finished replacing the injectors in my 2003 LB7 following the instructions you have in the Member's Area of The Diesel Page website. The truck started and I could not find any left-over parts! But, I wanted to say thank you for the great instructions AND for all the other work in the discussion forums. Over the last 11 years I have visited many, many times and saved myself a lot of money and learned a lot about my truck thanks to your efforts. John Bosworth - BozDMAX
I just wanted to say thank you for the books. I received them yesterday and have been reading through them. Great books and excellent customer service. I appreciate it. Thanks and have a great day.
Thanks again,
Josh Stringer
I want to tell you I found a couple of recent service articles produced by The Diesel Page very helpful, i.e. servicing the Mass Air Sensor & changing the cabin air filter. I wasn't sure my truck even had a cabin air filter. As the owners manual for my '02 Chevy indicated it might have been an option, I asked a service rep about it at a Chevy dealership a few years back and was told my truck didn't have a cabin air filter. After reading your article, I followed the instructions for removing the access cover, and saw that my truck did indeed have an in-cab air filter. When I removed the filter, it really set me back - it was completely black and obstructed with dirt, leaves, and debris. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate the picture of your eight year old filter in the article a 5, in being dirty, and mine was a 10+. I'll be checking the air filter condition on a semi-annual schedule from now on. Thanks for your help and this great forum.
Don Wirth, The Diesel Page Member #10,007
I have been around here for a couple years now, mostly just looking and learning. This page is a no-nonsense way to gain info about the 6.6/6.5/6.2L powered vehicles. When I search, I find it. There is almost no B.S. threads in the bulletin board to filter through. This page is well organized and the forum moderators are very helpful. I also hope to share the info I have with others here. I am very glad that I chose the 'Page' to share my Camaro diesel project with you all.
Cody L.
I own a 1992 6.5 2500 Chevy with a service body, and the following mods were made in 2003; 3.5 inch exhaust boost & pyrometer gauges, fuel injection pump set @ 8% above high side of spec, and boost set at 13#. I bought the truck in 02 With 170,000 miles on the odometer, but with just 20,000 miles on a new engine. The truck now has 348,467 miles. It's been a really good truck. Every truck modification was based on information provided by The Diesel Page. It pulls a 29 foot V-nose enclosed trailer and car with no problems! The mods recommended by The Diesel Page really woke the old girl up! Thanks
Chris Carlson
Thank you so much for the speedy service. Thanks to your Diesel Page books, my 1990 6.2 truck starts on the first crank even in 10 degree weather. The glow plug/controller mods REALLY did the trick. All your hard work and effort to make all this information available is GREATLY appreciated.
Chris Achleithner
I want to thank you for all the hard work you have put into your publications. I received my 6.2/6.5 Diesel Troubleshooting & Repair Guide. There are not enough words to say thank you for writing this manual. I am a retired Master Chief Petty Officer from the U.S. Navy. I have read my share of tech manuals so again, Well Done.
Robbie Roberson
It's a pleasure to do business with you. I received the R&R Guide just as you said I would. I just opened it and a quick scan looks like I got a deal. I am a long standing member of the Pontiac Oakland Club and have restored and raced Pontiac cars for let's say almost 30 years. I think Pontiacs and the 6.5 are kind of a like in that it's like taking a knife to a gun fight, yet some hard-heads like me learn how to make them perform and so will the 6.5 with your help.
I joined The Diesel Page because I was entertaining the thought of putting a 6.2L diesel engine into my 1978 Chevy, which was originally powered by a 5.7L diesel. Although, now I'm thinking about just restoring the 82 GMC that has the 6.2L because the truck is in such good shape with only 73,000 miles. Anyway, that's not why I'm writing.
I'm an educator. I do most of my work in educational technology, designing technology-based products and helping teachers figure out how to use technology to improve student learning. And, I do research and evaluation to see if any of this stuff makes a difference. So, I've seen a lot of educational Web sites -- which I classify The Diesel Page as -- and I have to say that I'm extrememly impressed with the job you have done. I don't know if you have any training or background in doing this sort of thing, but the TDP meets most of the criteria for good instructional design. Your articles are well-written, to the point, and written from the perspective of reader questions. You encourage members to discuss issues and help each other solve problems, you have a strategy for compiling the "wisdom" contributed to the site and making it available to members, and it seems to me that you are growing the site incrementally, only adding features that will be useful to members. The site has a simple but effective interface design, which doesn't get in the way of helping members find what they are looking for (too many sites violate this principle: their "form" overshaddows their substance).
The steady growth of DP membership is a good indicator of the quality and utility of your site, as is the continual posting to the forum. (I've noticed that new topics and replies are posted around the clock.)
So, I just wanted to say thanks for creating a well-done, useful site. I'm having a great time getting back under the hood (although I forgot how dirty you can get under a greasy diesel motor!). I'm far from being an expert, but I feel like I understand more about the 6.2L diesel engine, and I'm not afraid to get in there and have "a go" at it. Without The Diesel Page, there is NO WAY I would be able to do this.
Thanks again. Keep up the good work. It's really great to see the success you're having with the DP.
Randy Knuth, TDP Member
Can't tell you how much I appreciate all the good information you provide on the 6.5. Several months ago I bought a 1997 C2500 Suburban with 65,000 miles. It got 20mpg on the trip home to Texas from Memphis and performed flawlessly for a while. I joined The Diesel Page and began reading about my new toy. It began stalling periodically and sometimes would lite up the 'service engine'. I followed the instructions and eliminated the stalling but until this weekend the lite would go out before we could get a code. PO251 was retrieved last Friday and again yesterday. It is currently having the pump replaced, under warranty. Had I not known about the extended warranty, that expense would have been on me. The dealer made no mention of it until I questioned them about it. Thank you for the valuable ($2,000) information.
Jack Schubert, TDP Member
Hi, I just bought a 2004 GMC 2500HD with the Duramax and Allison tranny. I have to admit it was your web site that convinced me to buy it. I had know idea that this was such a great set-up. Lots of great info on your site!
Greg Arabolos, TDP Member
I just received the 6.2/6.5 Diesel Troubleshooting & Repair Guide that I ordered for my father in law for his chev diesel. I am a mechanic by trade. I don't claim to know everything, but from what I have seen in the content of this book, it is second to none! Absolutely great looking info on just about anything that can go wrong with these trucks. And what's not in there, with the info given, could definitely guide a guy in the right direction as to where to look. As stated brefore, I drive a 2003 Ford with the 6.0L, and I wish I could find a book such as yours.
Thanks again
Clarence Bjarnason
What interested me the most about The Diesel Page was the amount of information available about these engines which has really helped me to fight my way through the myths and give me the confidence and peace of mind that I have chosen the right engine for my project. Thanks to The Diesel Page I have dispelled any reservations that perhaps I should have gone for a Cummins 5.9 or a Toyota 4.2. The 6.5 if done right will knock them both into a cocked hat when it comes to all round usability, reliability and economy and, if built right, simplicity.
I am building a project vehicle based on a 1979 Cherokee Chief. I will be fitting a 1992 6.5, formerly non-turbo, but will be uprating it to a GM turbo. This will drive through an NV4500 five speed then a divorced LT230 (Landrover) transfer case with over drive and an extra low crawler gear set (not sure of the ratios just yet). My plan is to use a late GM turbo, possibly "GM-8" if I can afford it, retain the small port pre-cups and the mechanical Stanadyne injection pump. I will aim to set the gearing so that at 70mph the engine is running at 1800rpm or a tad over. I have to say that I haven't arrived at this through my own knowledge and expertise but thanks to The Diesel Page and some invaluable advice through email from Jim. Thanks to The Diesel Page.
Regards, Guy Riviere, TDP Member #17625
To let you know, I received the 6.2L Diesel volume. Was checking through the highlights - it's a wealth of information and well written. Glad I ordered, as my Glow Plug timer has started acting different lately and your advice to change it. I'd say, your book has more than payed for itself. "Thanks". All the best.
Bernie Martin, TDP Member #17236
The most interesting info I've learned from The Diesel Page is knowledge of the community of 6.2/6.5L diesel owners and the wealth of resources provided by TDP, especially the Fuel Delivery system (Lift Pump etc.) leak fixes and Racor filter improvements. Thanks, you're the best!
Ken Conner, TDP Member #16836
Thank you for all of your information on Diesel engines, I have been reading up on your web site for the past 3 1/2 years and I absolutely love everything you do with it. you have inspired me to get a great engine on my next vehicle. And that is just what I have done, I just bought a 2006 Duramax LBZ and I absolutely love it. Thank you for all of your hard work on your web site and thank you for letting me know the importance of a great engine.
Thank you: Richie Edwards
A couple of months ago I contacted you about troubles I was having with my '93 6.5, and the possibilities for a 6.2 I was looking to buy. As a follow up to that, I have done the following things to my original 6.5 engine. I had to start out by having the block bored out to .040 over standard. To fit the new larger bore I ordered a set of the Diesel Depot's 18:1 pistons. While on the phone with Benny I ordered their new performance ground cam, gaskets, and timing chain set. I decided to go with the Diesel Depot after reading about Dr. Lee Swanger's performance engine project in the Product Reviews page, and after reading about many other people who have good success with them. I have had the engine installed and running for a few days now, and it is definitely a huge improvement over what I had before. I have noticed that the motor is much more "diesel rattle" than before and it runs much cooler EGT's too. While it was out, I add a H/O water pump and modified the fan clutch to engage sooner. All combined I have a much more pleasurable pickup to drive and I got it all done for less than $2000! This is less than half what a remanufactured motor with stock internals would have cost. I appreciate all the advice you give to those of us with a lesser grasp of certain things and want to say thanks to The Diesel Page for giving us a place to share our information and problems.
Thanks again,
Justin Coakley, TDP Member #12826
I recently became a member (April 04/2004) because of oil consumption problems with my 1997 HD 3/4 T 6.5TD. Thanks to your trouble-shooting section, I was able to identify the problem as the turbo and replaced it myself (we farm near Calgary). Your Diesel Page has given me much more confidence in keeping, repairing and maintaining my truck. The subscription to your Page not only saved me money but has continued to help me understand how to work with this engine.
Thanks so much.
Dexter Nelson, TDP Member #13,706
Please check out the latest issue of Truck Trend magazine Jan/Feb.2004, page 46 Readers Rides. Thats my rig at he top of the page. A 1994 Chevy Silverado. I got all of my information to modify this truck from The Diesel Page. I couldn't have done it without you.
Jurgen Luebke, TDP member #1,815
The information I received from The Diesel Page saved me $500. I was contemplating buying an FSD, remote mounting bracket, and harness extension. You told me that the FSD was also covered under the extended GM warranty, so I waited. I took my van to a large dealership where they are familiar with the 6.5 to have them check it out after I had performed all of the other tests indicated in your technical material. They told me that they would hook it up to analyze the problem and let me know what it was. I was going to pay $105.00 for that service. Dropped it off Friday morning and picked it up Monday afternoon with a new FSD and no charge for the repair. Not bad for a van with 115,000 miles on it. The information I got from you and the Tech Bulletin are worth far more than the annual membership fee.
Many Thanks,
Doug Stein, TDP Member #12,946
I know it's delayed, but just a note to let you know that a quick check revealed a bad fuel lift pump oil pressure switch on our 6.5 Suburban. I never really suspected it as it was just replaced a year ago and the symptoms were different than last time. Thanks for your suggestions (and settling me down to the basics again). Like I said, I've always been under the impression that we've been running on borrowed time with the injection pump, so it's starting to be the first thing I wonder about if/when it acts up. Your advice and website info are invaluable.
Thanks again,
Ritchie Hays, TDP Member #781
I just wanted to thank you for the advice about the fuel injection pump for my 6.5L Suburban. Between our phone conversation and the Troubleshooting Guide I purchased, I found out enough to steer the mechanic to the vacuum pump and solenoid for the smoking problem instead of the $2,700 fuel injection pump replacement. Ended up being about $400. The Diesel Page has already saved me $2,300. Thanks again.
Jim Gundelach, TDP Member #11,860
I have been a lurker here for almost a year while I battled to decide between a Ford or GMC. In the end, GMC and the GMS price won out. I picked up my new 2500 CC/SB D/A 4X4 on Monday 6/23/03, just in time to miss out on a $500 rebate that GM started offering on 6/25/03, when my Dad picked up his new Yukon XL 2500. We both got Pewter SLT's with almost every option. I choose the full feature bucket over the rear seat DVD system. In short, I love my wife's new truck, as since we picked it up I have only spent 30 minutes in the driver seat. I love this web site. You guys are really providing a service to GM here. They should be subsidizing your efforts as web space and bandwith are not cheap these days. Thanks for the awesome info, keep it coming.
Don Griswold, TDP Member #11,909
I've come back after a small hiatus from the worlds best source for 6.2 and 6.5 knowledge. I have once again found some time to make various upgrades to my 85' K5 6.2L Blazer, and need the vast resources of The Diesel Page to complete these upgrades. I am most interested in looking over the 99' Feature Articles and Product Reviews volume. All the knowledge you all provide really is appreciated, and I'm glad that I can do my part to support The Diesel Page.
Thanks Again,
Mike Quas, TDP Member #7,572
I have found The Diesel Page to be a great source of information, thus I am renewing my membership. I own a 1999 Chevy K-3500 with the 6.5L engine. At this time, the truck has 189,000 on the odo. Please keep up the good work. I really enjoy the site!!!!
Randy Schlenker, TDP Member #9,035
Received your book today. Was pleasantly surprised - is very well written and presented. Got my money's worth in the first thirty minutes of browsing. Thanks a lot, it has been a pleasure.
Virgil Porterfield, TDP Member #11,398
I can't thank you enough for your advice. I'm the guy who kept writing you about the 1991 6.2L diesel 4x4 Suburban here in Denver that I own, which simply refused to start properly unless it had been plugged in. Your suggestion to insert a resistor into the harness wire leading into the glow plug controller to increase the glow plug cycle time worked like a charm.
The GMC dealer in Commerce City was at wits end trying to figure out why the 6.2L engine was so hard to start. I showed the diesel mechanic your book, "2000 Feature Articles and Product Reviews" which had the article in it called 'Modifying/Repairing the 1985-93 Glow Controller.' They did the technique you described on the bottom of page 27, and didn't charge me anything to do it. It practically doubled my glow plug time, from about 6 seconds to 12 seconds. This made a HUGE difference, and the old girl has fired up within 3 seconds every time I've tried to start it. I can't tell you how glad I am that it works now!! (Before it would take 15-20 seconds of cranking to get it to fire, with billowing clouds of smoke. I about drained my batteries once trying to start it.)
Thanks so much again for your help. You guys are VERY good and really know your stuff!!!
Terry Wright, TDP Member #471
I just wanted to thank you for taking time out of what has to be a busy schedule to help me with the stalling problem I was having with my '98 6.5TD. The cost of membership in The Diesel Page is the best money I've spent since buying my diesel new in June of '98. I am very appreciative of being able to talk to someone about a problem with my diesel who doesn't immediately say "Well, you're going to have to drop a bunch of money to get the injection pump re-built". The vendors who advertise in The Diesel Page were also a big help, both with advice over the phone & good pricing on the new FSD & cooler I needed. After a few hundred miles, my pick-up is still running like new. I had a little trouble with the truck not wanting to start the other day, so I replaced the side terminal bolts as described in Lee Swanger's article. Thanks to him & the fellow who originally had the idea, my starter spins over & starts quicker now, like it did when new.
A very satisfied member,
Rick Browder, TDP Member #10,053
Just wanted to let you know that I have received all of the items that I ordered last week. I am most impressed with the speed of your service. I have sat down and read some of the articles, and I must say you certainly know your diesels inside out!! The journals you sent to me provide the enthusiast with a wealth of information. Probably the most important thing is that in reading and understanding the articles, the reader is able to rapidly increase their knowledge and find solutions to their problems without wasting time and money by making mistakes.
Gareth Jones, TDP Member #8,097
Found The Diesel Page on the web. Have a '97 C-3500 6.5 with a boost control, aftercooler, and 3 inch exhaust, all installed after joining The Diesel Page. The truck has been trouble free and now tows great. At $19.95, this the best money I ever spent. Thanks, and please sign me up for another year.
Larry White, TDP Member #5,374
I find that the Diesel Page to be the most valuable option I have purchased for my new truck. DP has been a great resource, as well as being entertaining at times. You can consider me as a permanent member. I have a 2001, Chevy 3500, Crew w/Duramax/Allison and I absolutely love this truck. Keep up the good work!
Andy Vester, TDP Member #5,068
My e-mail I sent regarding my truck was the main reason I decided to become a member. I received a prompt response. I found the Diesel Page while watching Trucks on TNN.
Phillip Keith Laws, TDP Member #7,433
Life is beautiful once again. The problem was indeed the vacuum solenoid, just as you suggested. I am really impressed with your extensive knowledge of the GM Diesel engine, and it takes a lot to impress me. -grin-
I have just returned from a 450 mile trip pulling a 4800# trailer, and not even a small puff of black smoke. Now, to finish my upgrades.
Obviously, you are a person who likes people, and who enjoys helping them. Normally, I am the one on the giving end, and it's very unusual for me to ask for help from anyone, but I want you to know how very much I appreciate your help in solving the problems with my truck. It would be difficult to put a dollar figure on just how much you saved me, but I know that it is a substantial amount. More than the money, I like the camaraderie and just downright neighborly feelings that plainly flow between you and all who are associated with The Diesel Page. Thanks for allowing me to become a part of it.
Sam Swim, TDP Member #6202
I just wanted to let you know what a great resource the Diesel Page has been to me. I recently had trouble with stalling, and after ruling out a bad load of fuel I turned to the knowledge bank of the Diesel Page. I think I kind of threw my local GM service manager for a loop when I brought the truck in, and then proceeded to go down the list of things I had done to troubleshoot the problem. He gave me one of those you're full of it looks when I told him it was most likely the FSD. Later that day he called to let me know that the FSD was bad, and it was being replaced under the warranty. I just had to smile when I heard that.
Thanks again,
Steve Davis, TDP Member #399
Following your recommendation I purchased a new Oil Pressure switch from my local GM dealer for $32.95 plus tax, then I went to Pep Boys and bought the Oil Pressure socket for $8.64. By the time I got home Saturday morning it was about 11:30. I removed and replaced the Oil pressure switch in about 30 minutes and then bled the system using the fuel pump fuse mounted on the firewall. That tip makes bleeding the system a simple process. I was finished with this project by lunch time.
I have had two cold starts since these changes, and have driven about 50 miles without any more symptoms. The stumbling upon hard acceleration is gone, and the hard cold start is also corrected. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me. I can now drive my 6.5TD Suburban with new-found confidence that I have a source to troubleshoot the electronically controlled fuel delivery system. If you need any member input, please let me know. I would be glad to offer any support that I can.
Thanks Again,
Tim Chapman, TDP Member #3985
I wanted to let you know that I have my 1995 6.5TD Suburban running again. I ended up replacing the lift pump because of insufficient pressure, and installed a new FSD module. While doing that, I decided to install the new FSD Cooler from Diesel Services Group. I did all that and never made a visit to the GM Dealer. Doing this myself and buying these products from the suppliers you recommended saved me approximately $780.00 (Canadian). And, I was able to keep the blue tag DS4 fuel injection pump that is working fine with 160,000 Km on it. The Diesel Page membership is the best investment I ever made. I've learned a lot about my 1995 6.5TD, and am still learning. Thanks again for all your efforts.
Andy Degroot, TDP Member #2990
I am once again ordering more of your materials. I would like to order the 1999 Feature Articles & Reviews volume and the R&R Guide. Everything that I have ordered and received so far has been first class material that anyone with a diesel engine in a motor vehicle, whether GM or something else, should have.
Daniel Mincks, TDP Member #2896
Been enjoying your website now for some months. Have ordered some of your guide books and they have been excellent. A person gets nervous about ordering online from all the horror stories you hear about, but I was always impressed by how fast I received everything I ordered.
David Hahn, TDP Member #2446
I must congratulate you on your website. It is the most informative spot on the web, and the only site I have spent more than 15 minutes on in over a year of web surfing. By the way, your membership is worth every penny and then some. For about the cost of a tank of fuel you get access to a wealth of useable information that any owner can use. As far as I'm concerned, the Diesel Page should be required reading for any GM diesel owner. I am very pleased and hope you continue your work.
Ross Lindberg, TDP Member #2573
Thanks for the information on where to buy GM parts. I received a substantial savings at $250 for the one piece flywheel, pressure plate, and disk. Compared to the $450 the local GMC dealer wanted for just the flywheel. I can't tell you how resourceful the 6.2/6.5 Page has been for me, truly my most visited site on the internet.
Brian Dailey, TDP Member #1567
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your helpful e-mails and website. The understanding I have gained and the thoroughness of your site gave me plenty of confidence to enter the diesel world for the first time. I just bought a '94 Chevy crew cab dually and look forward to doing my own maintenance and upgrades -- primarily due to the exhaustive pool of information you have made available.
T.J. Roberts, TDP Member #2317
The Diesel Page has changed my understanding of diesel operation from knowing nothing to becoming very knowledgeable. I recommend your website to all diesel owners. I have gone from paying somebody else to perform repairs to performing all repairs myself. The two years of membership I have paid is well worth the experience that I now possess. Thanks again!
Richard Hill, TDP Member #291
I saved considerable bucks on an injection pump and Banks exhaust system by being a member, and I appreciate all the time you spend helping us all.
Ryan Streck, TDP Member #1502
Since becoming a member of your site, I have gained an enormous amount of confidence in my ability to work on my 6.2. I can't say enough good about your site or thank you adequately for the wealth of knowledge you
have provided in exchange for a nominal membership fee.
Peter Salisbury, TDP Member #1599
Thanks for the great website. You've saved me hundreds already. I had a bad oil pressure switch for the fuel pump on my truck which caused an airleak in the fuel system. I was about to spend hundreds on replacing my injection pump and injectors until I read your troubleshooting guide.
Matt Bissell, TDP Member #1559
Please let me know when its time for my membership renewal. I certainly don't want to miss any information on this great page. You don't realize how much time, money, and guesswork your "site" has saved me and many others. Thanks!
Mark Chapman, TDP Member #653
Thank you for the excellent work you have done with the Diesel Page. When I first bought my 1989 6.2L Chevy Blazer it was very disappointing. Everything on the road passed me including the Fiat 600s. After a year of following your advice, my Blazer really goes. I can out pull and out run all of the Asian trucks, and I still haven't gone turbo. I also have a friend with a turbo diesel 4cyl. Nissan, and my fuel mileage is as good as his. Keep up the good work.
Terry Hyde, TDP Member #448
Madrid, Spain
You know, I was skeptical of the fee for access to your Member's Area of the Diesel Page, but have since
come to believe that it's worth it. There's information there that you just can't get anywhere else and I certainly appreciate your efforts.
Garrett Fulton, TDP Member #1606
I have upgraded my 6.5TD with a BD RV power chip, Bilstein shocks, Banks exhaust system and gauge pod, and am seeing/experiencing positive results. I have my 95 6.5TD right where I want her and she is sweet. To be honest, that was mostly due to the Diesel Page. At the time I found your page, I was going to "do something" with my rig and I must tell you the options offered and outlined in the Diesel Page were about $14,000 cheaper than what I was looking at. I should also say that all of those retail outlets I used (which you recommended) had great people to deal with. Thanks again.
Larry Gano, TDP Member #1099
I appreciate your dedication and hard work that has made being a member of the Diesel Page so enjoyable and enlightening.
Tyrone Jones, TDP Member #413
First, I have to say that your website has been a tremendous help. The $20 for a membership is well worth it! I know just about everything to handle a gas engine, but diesel engines have always intrigued me.
Jim McNamara, TDP Member #945
I can see the page is going to be an enormous help to me and I am very pleased to be a member.
Fred Ely, TDP Member #955
Just wish to thank you for my long 4th of July weekend that I am able to spend with my family thanks to the Troubleshooting guide you sent last month. I was ready to spend my long weekend replacing the rear main seal on my Suburban that had been leaving black puddles every time that it was parked for the last couple of weeks. Thanks to the T-Guide, I replaced a broken connection on the CDR which cured the leak. That repair cost zero dollars and took a lot less time (15 mins). Now I am forced to enjoy this holiday thinking how lucky I am to live in the United States instead of viewing the dirty side of an old truck.
Kenneth Johnson, TDP Member #975
You really have something great here with all this information. I am on my first anniversary of membership today. In that time, I have just about worn out everything linked to or related to this site.
J. W. Nivens, TDP Member #820
As a member of your Diesel Page, I have read with great interest the various articles, suggestions and the questions and answers columns, and I would like to thank you for your effort and excellent results. It is always interesting and educational.
Piet Koene, TDP Member #222 from sunny southern Honduras
Very glad I've joined your page - I've never had such a great resource on a vehicle.
Robert Burns, TDP Member #849
Thanks for your work on this forum. The info that I've received far exceeds the membership fee.
Frank Bumb, TDP Member #541
Thank you for answering my questions, I found the information you show in your website the most rewarding, of all the subscriptions I have.
Juan Emilio Castro, TDP Member #340
First off I like to say that my membership fee is the best money that I ever spent on my truck, thanks for doing such a great job.
Mark Bova, TDP Member #989
I forgot to say in my renewal note, that this is the most useful page on the internet. I have saved hundreds of dollars with the information on this page. I just wish I had known about it years ago when I first got my diesel. Keep up the good work.
Tom Larson, TDP Member #243